Things to know about our Class

Grading System

  • The classroom setting is unique, since all students learn differently.
  • Therefore, it is my goal as a teacher to focus more on the child learning the material that is being taught and less on the number grade received. 
  • Giving students a specific grade on a given piece of work can lessen self confidence, and in order to avoid this, I have chosen not to use specific letter or number grades.
  • Engagement and stamina are two things that I look at while observing each of my students in the classroom setting. 
  • I encourage my students all to work hard and show effort in their work. Examples of this would include full sentences when the students are writing or use of punctuation in writing. 


  • Homework is very minimal in our classroom. I believe that there is no need for 1st grade students to have a lot of homework.
  • Students will always be asked to choose at least two books to read each night from their classroom book collection and record their own reading in their reading logs. Each student collects their own set of 10 reading books each week. We call this the student's "Amazon Shopping Cart." The area where the students' can pick their books in class is called "The Amazon Marketplace."
  • Students will set reading goals for themselves in class and will have the chance to meet their goals based off of the reading that is done at home or in school. Reading logs will be given out in class and students will be able to bring these logs home with them.
  • Students will also have their own writing journals. They will be assigned to write entries based off of certain topics from class and will also be asked to do free writes for any topic that they choose to write about.
  • If you would like your child to have the opportunity to practice a specific thing that was learned in class at home, please feel free to contact me and I will be happy to supply you and your child with some extra handouts. This is completely optional! 

Classroom Rules 

  • Listen when others are speakingImage result for classroom rules clipart
  • Raise your hand when you would like to speak
  • Ask questions! It is okay to ask for help!
  • Be nice to one another
  • Always try your hardest
  • Follow directions
  • Have fun! 


  • Technology in the Classroom

  • We will be using a tool called Starfall Education this year. This app will be available through our school for the students to use and will typically be used during our class time. We encourage parents to use any other materials that they feel will enhance their child’s education.
  • Each student will also have their own IPad that is distributed by the school. This IPad will be kept safely in the classroom and students will not be permitted to bring their school IPad home with them. Please also do not send your child in with any electronics, since the school will be taking care of this!